Table relation
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is type of relational view to show complex real business environment into single structural diagram.
By adding this diagram, End Users do not need to develop complex SQL query for their report creation. AdHoc Query engine will automatically get optimized queries.
Key benefits by using ERD design on query generation is as follows:
- Reduce development schedule for analysis
- Enhance performance with optimizing database processing
- Easy maintenance, management
- Provides a means for communication and error checking
Entity is a definable thing or concept within a system, such as a person / role, object(e.g. Invoice).
On Business Object, you can drag other table relation diagram to simplify large entity diagram. For example, you can make diagram with Customer and related Dimension tables, and Sales diagram. On Sales diagram, you can drag Customer diagram to define inside entities of Customer object.
Imported table, InlineSQL View and even Relationship Diagram can be used as Entity.